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Prayer is a chance to talk to God. Sometimes, when times are hard, we especially want to reach out to him, or to know that others are praying for us.

If you are not sure how to pray, you could use this simple prayer guide...

God already knows what is in our hearts and minds. We can be honest with God, and say exactly how we feel, or just sit in silence.

In the quietness, think of our amazing world. From sub-atomic particles to huge mountains and vast oceans. Praise God, the creator of the universe and everything in it.

As you think of a mighty God who created us all, remember that he cares for each of us individually. In his power, he knows everything about you and simply invites you to come close to him.

God says that if you are sorry for the things you've done wrong, he will forgive you. So, spend a few moments thinking about the things that you wish you hadn't done - and ask God to forgive you.

Take some time to pray for people and places that need God's support. Pray that those who are ill may know God's healing touch, those who are bereaved may know God's peace, those who are in stress or anxiety may know God's strength.

Finally, pray for yourself and your own needs. Ask God to help you see what he wants for your life.

May God bless you this day.

If you would like to join others in a time of prayer, we have a gathering at 9.30am on Thursday mornings. As building work is underway at our church, we are meeting in the Lady Chapel at St Oswald’s Church, Ashbourne DE6 1AR. Please check the calendar for details.

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