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We have a Leadership Team at Ashbourne, who help to coordinate and lead the various parts of church life, with the Church Council ultimately governing church matters. Our Leadership Team is made up of...

Revd Nicola BriggsRevd Nicola Briggs

Nicola joined us in September 2022 as the Minister for the Methodist Churches in the Ashbourne area.

Robert SalesRobert Sales - Worship

Robert attends and liaises with the Worship Development Team. He is also responsible for the Worship Stewards. Robert chairs the Leadership Meetings and is currently Ashbourne’s Senior Steward.

Helen BarkerHelen Barker - Lifelong Church

This is a relatively new role where Helen seeks to: establish a group to develop regular and occasional activities which are accessible to adults of all ages; encourage a culture of enablement within the Church Family; and support existing activities that are intended for older people.

Nigel Glossop - Resources

Nigel heads up the Resources Team who look after the church’s various resources, such as the various buildings, the employees, and our finances.

Stuart GreenStuart Green - Plan for Growth

Following on from the previous Mission Action Plan, the “Plan for Growth” was recently agreed by the Church Council to encourage and direct growth of the church in different areas. Stuart is responsible for encouraging different groups in the church to play their part in the Plan for Growth, and to monitor progress made.

Tny WalkerTony Walker - Link Project

Tony leads the Link Project Team in our extensive building project. Tony helps coordination between the Link Project and Leadership Team to ensure the building plans are in line with the church’s ministry, and that the Link Project Team have the required support and input. For more details on the Link Project, click here.

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