Christian Aid Week

Date and Time :
11th May 2021 - 12:00am
In the Ashbourne area, hundreds of people usually support our Christian Aid Week appeal by making a small donation. At the moment, it’s particularly important to help people around the world and we’d like to thank everyone who’ll support Christian Aid by making a donation. Volunteers will deliver envelopes to houses around the town and we hope people will be able to make a small donation to help families around the world. Envelopes can be returned to local letterboxes around the town or you can give online (see link below) Christian Aid is a UK charity working with local partners to end poverty worldwide and supporting people of all faiths and none. Christian Aid Week has been held every year since 1957, raising millions of pounds to support people around the world. This year, Christian Aid Week runs from 10th – 16th May.
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