Pizza Shop Heroes

Date and Time :
19th October 2019 - 7:00pm
Phosphoros Theatre in Association with Ashbourne One World Group presents Pizza Shop Heroes. Shortlisted for the Amnesty Freedom of Expression Award 2016, this unique emerging company stars four refugee young men who made the arduous journey to the UK on their own as children from Afghanistan, Eritrea and Albania. Join us for this free, community performance, including a Q&A with the actors after the show. There is also the chance to share in a meal before the performance (limited tickets). The meal will be cooked by some of our local friends who are refugees and asylum seekers. All tickets are free, but there will be the opportunity to make a donation on the night. Proceeds will be split equally between Upbeat Communities and Phosphoros Theatre. This is a ticket only event - book tickets using the link below.
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